

Kick ass wife & mom, Living in the Pacific North West, Discord Moderator for @MAVIONworld Bullish on Community, Engagement, and DEI…

フォロー数:2159 フォロワー数:747

This makes me want to try for teal hair. She is # 299! And like her, I also love a black hoodie. in Bio!

4 8

Why does this have so much ? She isn't mine, but I love her! Be sure to check out this community of incredible girls and women. ALL girls welcome!

1 6

I know! I freaked when I minted this one and saw the emerald ring! This will be a for me for sure!

0 5

I have minted two of the and already thinking that I need to get a few more. If you haven't already, check out this and join the to help build a that seeks to lift and support girls!

4 7

I can't claim this one as mine, but Oh Em Gee is it Look at that clutch! And the background! The owner of this is one very lucky person and will be very happy when this clutch arrives to their hands! You all have outdone yourselves with this!

0 4

Super Jealous! I have one with these same earrings! Can't wait for it to be my turn!

0 2

Here are my 3! Thinking of going back for a couple more ;)

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I minted 3 and I can't pick a favorite! Could not be happier that this is the project that I chose to mint my first NFT

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