

☀️ doing okay
☀️ bIm, they/them, identity crisis rn
☀️ retweets okay; no reposts; opinions my own.
[email protected]

フォロー数:777 フォロワー数:465

Created some modern outfits based on that scene in My Fair Lady of the Ascott Opening Race.

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ughhh things have just not been clicking the past few days.

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im in a writing class and I had to write a children's book (drawing optional) as my final so as a study break I let myself spend exactly 1 hour speed drawing spreads (~3 mins a spread)

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tw: flashing lights // timelapse // flickering

a good ole timelapse!

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filming vs sorting through footage

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TW // flashing lights // video // timelapse

I didn't realize I was recording a timelapse!! This piece changed a lot over the course of the process, I'm glad with the way it all came together.

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Playing a bit with compositions!

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I should probably learn how to draw people huh

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It's always fun to look back on the sketch and see what I changed and how I filled in all that space !

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They're watching get all your friends to be like them!!

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