NASA Goddard Imagesさんのプロフィール画像

NASA Goddard Imagesさんのイラストまとめ

We share cool science! This is the official image/video tweeting account for @NASAGoddard.

フォロー数:996 フォロワー数:419582

Ever wonder why oceans are blue? They are blue because red, orange, yellow and green light are absorbed quickly beneath the surface, leaving blue light to be scattered and reflected. More pics: Happy from our friends at 🌊

155 363

The most recent view of from space shows this massive storm converging on the Florida coast:

171 204

Some stars shine brighter than others.

914 1230

When science is art aka - magellanic clouds and an interstellar filament:

66 69

See the interaction between interstellar dust and the structure of our Galaxy’s magnetic field.

87 112

Wow! We have some totally awesome images in our solar eclipse group!

117 103

Water, water everywhere, except where it's magenta:

41 31

Pew pew pew! Sun Emits 3 X-class Flares in 2 Days:

124 80