

Fantasy world builder, novelist, dad and foe of injustice and founding member of @versehome

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I started writing the next Arclands Kickstarter today! the creative work never stops! We’re announcing Phase Two of the Arclands Universe on June 6th! Join us for

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Finished proofing Arclands final draft yesterday and I am so, so excited for what we’re going to be showing you guys. Classes, origins, Spellforging and psionics, lore and more only a couple of weeks to wait.

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Always a pleasure to catch up with and and great to meet Guy at too. I will post the video of our web chat on history and world building here soon

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Something exciting coming today! A new realm in the Arclands world! A new character race! New mysteries! Check out Arclands here: later today.

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Good morning everyone, over here at Arclands HQ I am working on a new year treat for our funders, our play testing pack with four one shots, new mechanics, classes and races. Want in? Join our Kickstarter here:

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So now we’re nearly 60% funded, our first event is Dragonmeet next Saturday, join me and for our seminar on magic ‘More Gandalf, Less Potter’

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Today’s the day! In exactly two hours the Arclands Kickstarter goes live! Get ready to snag those limited tiers with awesome goodies, and we’ll see you at half nine!

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Ok, note for your diaries, tomorrow we’ll be showcasing our Arclands Kickstarter video to start our ten day countdown to our launch

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