

Pixel artist! Big fan of Undertale and Mother 3 | He/She/They

フォロー数:494 フォロワー数:694

I watched the trailer the other day and WOW this game looks great! Congrats to them and the team!

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Did a resprite of NES megaman cause the original looks a wee bit ugly ngl

3 16

So the other day I was really bored and decided to try and deisgn a mascot of sorts for based on his YouTube channels logo. Seriously though all his videos are edited phenomenally you should seriously go subscribe to him if you aren’t he’s criminally underrated 🙏

2 10

Made myself a Sona! Their name is Nez. Their design is inspired by my undertale sprite of Lucas i made a loooong time ago. It seems stupid but i did it because it was one of the first things i did that got attention and it got me back into art!

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please get urself some sleep...

1 10

is trending everyone say hi to Pepper pls pls

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Drew ‘s newly designed version of his OC Nina!

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an appropriately sleepy pepper getting ready for bed for a late night post 😴

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