

Naval Officer (retired). Orange Pilled. Solana Class of 2021.

Came for decentralization. Stayed for the GMs.

フォロー数:1926 フォロワー数:2610

GN friends.


2 19

Timbro del vagabondo, 2023.

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So stoked to pick up this piece from the talented . His series, The Suffocated People, IMO is a social commentary on a life lived online and anonymity in the real world.

4 12

Since is absolutely killing it with the most recent (all really) Ediths, I thought I'd share mine. Meet Edith 31, my grail. I remember doing a review of Wetiko's art in discord almost a year ago....been in love with his work ever since.

4 39

Keep trying new things, friends. Variety is the spice of life....

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Sunday morning vibes....hope everyone carves some time out today for reflection, family, friends, and creativity. Be well, friends.

3 29

Been meaning to post a thread about , but have been pulled in several directions as of late. Until then, I will simply say that I have snagged one of my Grail pieces in Edith 31. Thanks, for being such a talent and sharing your art with the world.

10 51

1/ For all of those who are weary to share your art... Just do it, for Fortune Favors the Brave. Be brave. If it speaks to you, share it. List it. I am getting more and more comfortable with doing so and I'm a bit of an introvert (believe it or not). More 👇

9 50

Push yourself. Try new things. Growth is challenge's reward.

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GN Fam....drift off and dream of art, friends. Cheers...

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