

Gutter Pigeon #85 | Bored Gutter Ape #139 | Top Shot | NFL All Day | NFTs | Crypto | Heavy Metal Dad. #BGA #GCG #GangGang

フォロー数:4496 フォロワー数:2095

naked galaxy fur, I’ll take it.

1 3

Boom! I saw you listing those and pretty sure I had this sniped before this post. 👊

1 10

yo!!! Apes and gutter cats are out of my reach but this was in my wheelhouse. Thanks for posting yours earlier, these are 🔥🔥🔥

1 10

If you’re new to NFTs check out ⁦⁦⁩. Low entry, 5k supply, fun art and a fun community. Get moooooving!

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