

Internet Artist, but not here, check the Link.

PFP by @DecafeBrewer

フォロー数:753 フォロワー数:411

I like Tokusatsu, if you couldn't guess.

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Just wanted NG's clearly posted Creative Commons License to get good and settled before posting elsewhere...

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Reposting my because I finally realized I forgor her mouse trap XP

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Alex & Sandy's dad Henry, most likely. I haven't finalized his face yet, but he's a Scientist turned Hero (depicted here,) turned Chief Scientist (& CEO) of a company that makes tech for Heroes.

He insists on being eccentric, even as he doesn't get any younger.

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Raze is a unique case; they vary wildly in appearance and intelligence, I really should doodle more to give a better idea.

For example, his girlfriend Anny is a Were-Sheep, but is basically a Human beside the horns and being 12 feet tall.

I also made a Were-Ray 2 Mermays ago.

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My world is overtaken by "Werebeasts"; hybrid experiments that escaped in the chaos of the Mana War and basically replaced normal animals.

Perhaps the most monstrous of them is Raze, one of my main characters.

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Raze is able to absorb Kinetic Energy and use it to enhance his own abilities, making him extremely difficult to damage.

Even if he does get hurt, he heals quickly (but not near-instantly like Wolverine) and can even regrow limbs like a Starfish or Lizard given enough time.

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Don't wanna dump a big Thread into the Feed (plus my latest drawings of a lot of them aren't up to my current standards) but I'm just getting started!

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is Trending, this is my moment! I've got more than I know what to do with!

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Thanks! The best place to see my stuff is Newgrounds, but here's a sample

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