

33yr old atheist dinosaur. hobby artist. really into ARMS
Switch FC: 6295-4642-2806

pfp by beautiful wife @Bonkalore

フォロー数:167 フォロワー数:1094

said I was likely done but like... wanted to draw mime Lola for a while and its such a good alt design I wish they had given us alts ffff
(I made her hair/ARMS licorice allsorts lol)

6 25

in what should not come as a surprise to anyone
Tom is my fav character in

3 12

wanted to try drawing a younger Brass (going off more how he looked in Coyle's Grand Prix pic with him)

4 35

unbelievable... betrayed by her own creation...

16 59

wanted to draw this post PC comic hhhh (I don't draw Ribbon and Jara interacting much but do HC them as friends actually and think Jara would look out for Ribbon like an older brother)

9 40

congrats on the follower count Auggie! (hope you get many more cause you def deserve it!)

0 3

I wanna do a better pic but only have time for this quick simple doodle (and at least I found out Heathers is playing locally while looking up refs ffff)

4 30

suddenly got this feels pic of our octo and squid boys in my head and needed to scribble it down hhhhh

5 26

feel bad I haven't drawn the girls in a while (idk what they are talking about tho)

15 41

(your comment made me laugh tho fff)

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