

Tabletop RPGs ~ Sword & Sorcery ~ Punk & Metal ~ Cognitive Psychologist ~ Owner of Caulbearer Press

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Got my PDF copy of Maximum HP! Lots of cool stuff in this issue focused on undead, including adventures, magic items focused on the undead, settings, and a guide to using ghouls and ghasts in your campaign. Has a table of unusual zombies I wrote too.

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Tonight’s Conan cover art is by Daren Bader for this Modiphius supplement. I really like this one, although Conan’s chain shirt looks a little like those old jerseys from the 80s. But they just took out a bunch of savage Picts!

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Tonight’s Conan cover art is by Daren Bader for the Modiphius 2d20 Conan RPG. I like the composition, although it’s a little weird that they ended up on top of this weird serpent while on horseback. But the part that bugs me is that Conan looks like Ronald Reagan.

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Tonight’s Conan cover art is by Phroilan Gardner. Cool composition. Evil cultists!

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