

フォロー数:377 フォロワー数:83

This scene where Jupiter is struggling Mamoru perfectly summons up with how people would deal with someone posting spoilers.

She takes spoilers very seriously!

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Also R.I.P. Eudial

She died from a tragic car accident while trying to flee from the Sailor Senshi, She was the witch that we all loved and wanted to date. She will be missed!

Mr. Tomoe will be having her funeral at the Witches 5's (or should I say Witches 4's) base.

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Which Sailor Moon is sus?

The one with the most votes gets ejected.

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She's more adorable as a baby.

Baby Hotaru is cuter than Chibi-usa and Chibi Chibi

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I mean just look at how Usagi draws.

Her artstyle looks really cute!

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This is all of the fans fault! If they would've showed more love to Chibi-usa/Rini instead of hating her, She wouldn't have become corrupted and become the Black Lady.

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Here's a girls anime that horny men love to watch

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