

Artist - 18 - Just your friendly neighbourhood trans guy - Steven my beloved

フォロー数:278 フォロワー数:123

Ugh, i'm becoming old, cant believe i'm an adult already... welp... atleast I can draw funny hats onto things now

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Damn, aight bet.

My main OC, 2 of the images have him using my mc skin (a normal/pirate version and an End version, but i wont go into the lore of that, cus uhm... it's incomplete and an alternate version of my main OC, so... imma give my main's lore instead)

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My friend and I recently started playing Raft again, and as soon as I caught a catfish I decided I was gonna carry it around as a pet, so I present to you: Catfoosh

❤️&🔁 appreciated :)

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I like 'em, but dont like the reason you're using them, have a hug ❤

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Okay, so we got the harbingers, most of them are 👌
Little special moment for Childe specifically (he's a harbinger, on the right side of the first pic), cus he's a pretty boy
And then we have Ayato, he's just 🤌
There's more, but i'm too lazy to get more pics

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