TC Coyoteさんのプロフィール画像

TC Coyoteさんのイラストまとめ

Twitter account for Not What I Was, a cyberpunk-ish dystopia webcomic. Comic updates on Wednesdays

フォロー数:42 フォロワー数:125

Not What I Was - Page 13

As promised, nearly no dialog this week!

Also, the young rat in panel 4 really does have a worryingly thin right arm, for the same reason his tail is bandaged, it's not just my drawing 'quality'. More on him later.

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Page 11

I think this one shows the art style is improving since the original

Last week's stats:
Gallery views:
A _huge_ jump in Twitter engagements: 175!

Thanks again to those who shared last week's comic. Retweets are always welcome! :)

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Hey folks!

Here's page ten.

Last week's stats:
106 views between the three galleries
26 Twitter "engagements"
Retweets always welcome!

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Hey folks!
Last week's comic got _117_ views between the three gallery sites and _40_ "engagements" on Twitter!

For this week, much less dialog on Page 9. Our first example of in-universe cyberware at work though.

Retweets always welcome!

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Hey folks, last week's comic got _120_ views between the three gallery sites and 11 "engagements" on Twitter.

So hopefully this means I'm doing something right!

Retweets always welcome!

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Not What I Was - Page 7

Lots of dialog this week, I'm afraid. No way around it.

And yes, Doc patched up the big rat from last week off-camera.

Retweets are always appreciated! :)

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Page Six

What, you thought the doc just sits around waiting for mystery patients in high end autodoc devices to show up?

Patients like this are more common than he'd like.

Also, this is around the quarter way point of chapter one.

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Chapter 1 - Page 5

Busy night at the street doc's office.

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Page Four of "Not What I Was"

I'm sure this looks like a totally legitimate medical practice. ;)

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And there's the third of our main trio, making his appearance.

Meanwhile in the bottom panel, the patchwork character to the right is a Level 3 AI (average human level) -- abandoned AIs are even further down the totem pole than rats.


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