TC Coyoteさんのプロフィール画像

TC Coyoteさんのイラストまとめ

Twitter account for Not What I Was, a cyberpunk-ish dystopia webcomic. Comic updates on Wednesdays

フォロー数:42 フォロワー数:125

Not What I Was - Page 138

It's the eyepatch rat from back in Chapter 2.

Known effects of Dream withdrawal include tremors, nausea, and fatigue.

Known effects for Rick of resuming Dream use include annoying Doc.

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Not What I Was - Page 137


Power armor's heavy.

Sorry for posting 2 hours late -- that's about the length of time I passed out after supper once I got home from MCFC today.

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Not What I Was - Page 136

Tossing a sheet over the armor should be perfect cover, right?

Also, take that Past Me for sticking me with your overly complicated armor design.

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Not What I Was - Page 135

Rick still doesn't seem happy.

Also I shouldn't have slid that side pouch forward on the armor's belt in the bottom panel, it makes the leg look too narrow.

Ah well.

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Not What I Was - Page 134

Rick still doesn't seem to be happy at seeing this armor. Or learning it belongs to Doc.

Also, 558 views last week (across all sites)? I guess folks like Doc's armor.

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Not What I Was - Page 133

Oh, hey, look, it's the armor from the chapter cover
...and Rick doesn't seem happy to see it

I mean, Rick did say back on page 91 Doc wasn't always a cat...

Future me will hate having to draw this armor

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Not What I Was - Page 132

Someone wondered last week about Rose's safety

It's that storage area Doc hid them in near the start of the comic!

Yes, Doc's muzzle is too big in panel 1, I need to simplify more when drawing smaller.

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Not What I Was - Page 131

Sorry, no adventure or you today, Rose, maybe next time.

Also, more shockingly, it turns out Doc does actually have different style/color shirts.

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Not What I Was - Page 130

Doesn't everyone keep a power source hidden behind a cabinet?

Yes, that outline on the floor in panel 1 is the lift for the basement storage area last seen near the start of chapter 1.

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Not What I Was - Page 129

That doesn't explain much, Doc.

Why can you never just answer questions outright?

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