“Acta, Non Verba”,Deeds Not Words: Which 1 Are Uさんのプロフィール画像

“Acta, Non Verba”,Deeds Not Words: Which 1 Are Uさんのイラストまとめ

🇩🇴All round ComicBoOk/aNiMe Fan,Collector,ArTiSt SiNcE BiRtH,BoRn with pEnCiL & PaD,YaNkEe⚾️&PaTsNation 🏈4LiFe,UsMc & ArMy sTiLL sErVing!🇩🇴

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Oh we got a nice Mini Series coming and I’m excited for it the issue variant cover art by Riccardo Federici is sick 🔥🔥🔥🔥& cover looks crazy as well waiting to see some more art

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So looking at this new variant & surprise the Symbiote & Scorpion are looking mighty damn extra evil together sick 🔥🔥🔥🔥art by Tyler definitely grabbing’ this cover Venom#30 virgin variant more than likely

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Next comic variants to grab & must have are WOLVERINE BLACKWHITEBLOOD#1 as well as X OF SWORDS STASIS#1 also THOR#9 & 10

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Or even another attempt at good ol’ which the last attempt was so on point living the art style the stories, but they never continued felt so short. I mean they love playjng with the nostalgia strings with these classics films only to crap on them with subpar remakes

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