

Me gusta dibujar, pero normalmente hablo de anime y videojuegos en formato vídeo

フォロー数:54 フォロワー数:243

It's been long time since i made this but i hadn't published it, bit here it is. n.n


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いつもそういうものを描きたかった n.n

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I'm still perfecting the art of chibis, but it's complicated but fun n.n

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Of curse it's difficult to draw backgrounds, and color walls, but i try n.n

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Lo que empezó siendo una practica termino siendo un dibujo a color para , bastante divertido haciéndolo.
PD: No conseguí el logo en HD , se hizo lo que se pudo.

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By the way, you were the one I saw the most this year e.e

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Last of the year, a lot was learned, but much remains to be learned (⌒0⌒)/

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The order of the Styles is changed to a more beatiful one, although It's a style that i hardly do, but i will practice to n.n

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After Being sick, It's time to turn in a i think it looks pretty good n.n, trying new things in the color theme (^-^ゞ

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Muchas gracias por la raid , lamento no estar al 100 pero se agradece de corazao n.n

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