

Draw, listen music and eat it's all my life OwO //SHOT French powa o/ let's talk /o/

フォロー数:43 フォロワー数:14

I drew dat yesterday for she's so cute tehee

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donc voilà voilà ///A/// des dragons~ <3

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I don't know who is on this drawing xD But I love draw sky, cloud and paper plane so xD

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J'ai peut être UN PEU trop écouté la chanson de stromae *cough*

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Hello~ A new drawing guys, X again ! He loves read, like he love play music, this is the only moment when he's calm~

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changeons un peu de sujet/ let me show a doodle *^* Kagepro powaaaa

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I don't remember if I post this drawing... OwO""

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Two of my OC from my first story *^* Naku and Aki (yeah I have the same name of my OC.. complicate to explain that x)

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