

I do stuff I am also the Owner of Starlight Funk currently getting mod perms and making music atm

フォロー数:1470 フォロワー数:775

Well, it looks like I came back in time too then.

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Well, you do seem to know your way around I'll give you that much credibility for sure.

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Im doing fine as of now. Just trying to get back into the swing of things again.

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Well, that's one way to put it when it comes to mind.

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Am I back? Maybe, maybe not. But I do know that I like making you smile out there.

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Who Knows? I sure as hell can't remember either

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>Shows up
>Does nothing but Bluff
>Has no clue what to do
>Can and will tell you to look at his attorney’s badge
>Has a full Turnabout
>Wins the trial

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