

Doodles ✦ Mural ✦ Illustration.
Art Collaboration/Commission, DM me.
ig : nassuha_

フォロー数:1516 フォロワー数:30984

Cutest video i have seen today. Made my day, hope it makes yours too.🤍

9441 14029

Selamat hari rayaaa 🌟🤘🏻

Bosan bosan petang raya siapkan artwork digital sikit dekat ipad. Akhirnya siap!

63 271

other movies on the next watchlist too✨

11 41

Siap satu job logo untuk customer✍🏻
From rough sketch idea to final look.

106 508

Goodnight 🌧️🌃

4 50

Illustrasi doodles untuk kotak kek, sampul duit, kad & sticker. Tema karakter comel, bakery dan warna warni, setel✍🏻

Kalau nak tempah design macam ini nanti boleh contact saya ✉️

109 261

Try letak hidden/subtle je kalau nak juga haha. Takyah obvious sgt pun. Macam sy letak something yg mmg sy selalu lukis contohnya arnab ni

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You can have a look on my other artworks too here 👇🏻✨


359 2657

What if you don't actually have to be ready to start something? Just take the first step & see where it leads

334 674

Okey lah tu kot, nampak la macam pokok keladi kan. Korang anggap je lah ini pokok keladi sebelum aku give up melukis

6 138