National Centre ACLさんのプロフィール画像

National Centre ACLさんのイラストまとめ

We share our collection through exhibits, events, website, databases & bibliographies, unique authors' & illustrators' creations & indepth research items.

フォロー数:3459 フォロワー数:4993

Kids know what they like to read, right? The 2020 KOALA awards, chosen by children, are announced in this jubilant, hilarious & VERY entertaining celebration featuring kids, authors & illustrators List on Koala website soon!

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Roald Dahl - love him or hate him, still he's adored by young readers. Which of his books made it to the screen and which didn't? The reasons why Dahl fans will guess!

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❤️Aussie publishers whose talent, drive and loving care infuse children's books. Here's our shout-out for small publishers like with highly original, often quirky, unforgettable books😍Q&A with Alexandra Yatomi-Clarke, Publisher

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Here's Nicole Godwin author extraordinaire, interweaving scientific evidence, activism and creativity + life as an author | HerCanberra

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A gem of a picture book about love, trust, hope and wonder - what more could you want, especially now?

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Remember those classic stories starring 'people in fur'? Try these 3 books for middle-graders where 'art appears in the story at precisely the right moments, giving wandering eyes glimpses of what is just around the corner'

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We know kids' books can inform, entertain and soothe. COVID-19 has spurred health experts and others to create children's books to help manage physical and mental health AND the NY public library has an up-to-date list !😊

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Check out NCACL'S Cultural Diversity database featuring over 340 Aussie children's books then experience the Podcast Series on Diversity in Children’s Books | Better Reading -

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❤️Iconic creator Pamela Allen's archive at SLNSW on display until 23 Oct 2020. Comprehensive collection of 460 illustrations + 76 boxes of ms/correspondence. Her 52 books sold 6.5M

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Here are 18 YA horror books! This author suggests horror books 'bring about fear, chills, disgust, or anguish to the reader.' This collection also features where the main character & author share marginalisations

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