

might rt the occasional spicy stuff. you've been warned-

the question isn't if i wanna fight you. 'cause i WILL fight you.

フォロー数:848 フォロワー数:218

Make yourself and one of your OCs
...fucker does look alot like me when un-buffed, huh... https://t.co/lMCk7hlmGO

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ya Boie's Cocktail is probably somewhat high in alcohol but that doesnt explain how it makes you wanna fight everything and everyone under the stars and beyond.
probably the overabundance of lemons and Limes.
tastes good tho https://t.co/hHWw9eZ2Rs

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this is the cutest shit i've ever seen

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example of the stuff i do

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"hey let's make a Xiao doodle as a ritual to get him"

three hours of p a i n later and i don't know what i'm doing

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The basic-ass idiot vs the Über-chaotic gremelin https://t.co/DOLNf2mwb0

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