Natasha Narukamiさんのプロフィール画像

Natasha Narukamiさんのイラストまとめ

Likes to Draw|RP Account|
People make mistakes,whether to repent or not is entirely up to them. I believe even the most corrupted can be redeemed.

フォロー数:2051 フォロワー数:579

" mwihihi~ i did say id pop in. and here I am~" she says in a playful sing along tone.

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"Well all the same...I do hope you got a refund from that salon. they did you both dirty thats for sure" he says crossing his arms.

this made the girl sweatdrop...


that's...not how things work in Japan....

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she didnt hear him....
she merely wept in the crook of his neck holding the boy like he was about to disappear again....

" Y-you...have no much I missed you....." she says choking a sob...

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" oh no thats alright...Im actually asking if you can help me look for someone? he has Spikey orange hair and wears a lot of purple? can be just plain emo most of the time?"
says the familiar female voice followed by a giggle

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Now it was her turn for her breathing to become more audible as well as her back arches from the wet tissue trailing upwards.

her face starting to get flushed red from his touches....

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" oh! really?"

her eyes widens a bit at this.

" Awww thats sweet of you dude. Then I thank you immensely for that. hope they weren't causing too much trouble"

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" eheheheh....long time no see to you too trix"
she greeted the loud n rude boy

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"Mmmm....ok im up im up...."

sheepy Nat noises-

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