Natasha Narukamiさんのプロフィール画像

Natasha Narukamiさんのイラストまとめ

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People make mistakes,whether to repent or not is entirely up to them. I believe even the most corrupted can be redeemed.

フォロー数:2051 フォロワー数:579

" Awsome! Then lets go to mondstat and fill our stomachs!"

she actually might take some cuisines home with her too for her darling

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" its....very beautiful...."

Oh she is relishing alright....

she looks like the happiest kid about to step foot in a toy store right now....
she didnt even care of the wind was blowing!

"Cmon cmon! lets scope around!"


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Nat slowly takes in the surroundings.... mouth agape in genuine awe...

" Woahh...." she murmurs... SO much better than seeing this in a game....

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" yep yep! lead the way!"

the worst that can happen is that theyll be just outlanders in other peoples eyes. but hey what else is new?

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she blinks a few times the moment she walks in the room and sees the 2.

" uh...hi guys?" she greets them both.

" im here. whats goin on?" she asks

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" I- but- Mmmm....."

she...honestly cant argue with him over this...

when it comes to her body he ALWAYS wins in that department and make her feel blushy....

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" Oh shut it you....."

pouty gf mode activate-

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" I cant really help it....its kinda in my nature...."

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" Sure! I can carry you in my pocket if you want!"

or head or shoulder whichever

Human rides are the best. especially since his fox form is so smol!!!

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" I'll see you at school tomorrow..."

and with a final wave goodbye she turns her heel and proceeded to leave the premises and make her way home....

....silently also cursing to herself as to WHY she did that that was SO freaking embarrassing.....

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