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🎨 #LucaGiordano, Italian artist, #DOTD 12 January 1705. #Art #Painting
✒️ #LorenzoDiCredi, Italian painter, #DOTD 12 January 1537. #Art #Painting
🎨 #JeanBéraud, French Belle Époque painter, was #BOTD 12 January 1849. #Art #Painting
🎨 #JusepeDeRibera, Spanish painter and printmaker, nicknamed Lo Spagnoletto, was #BOTD 12 January 1591. #Art #Painting
🎨 #JohannesZick, German fresco painter, was #BOTD 10 January 1702. #Art #Painting
"Eppur Si Muove"
"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."
🔭 #GalileoGalilei, Italian pioneering astronomer, physicist, and engineer, #DOTD 8 January 1642.
"I did not write half of what I saw, for I knew I would not be believed."
🌍 #MarcoPolo, Venetian explorer (The Travels of Marco Polo), #DOTD 8 January 1324. #Travel
🎨 Sir #ThomasLawrence, English portrait painter, #DOTD 7 January 1830. #Art #Painting
🎨 #YvesTanguy, French surrealist painter, #BOTD 5 January 1900. #Art #Painting
🎨 #JohannBaptistZimmermann, German painter and stucco worker, was #BOTD 3 January 1680. #Art #Painting