National Galleryさんのプロフィール画像

National Galleryさんのイラストまとめ

Journey through the story of European art, masterpiece by masterpiece.

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Paul Cézanne was born in 1839. His work 'Bathers (Les Grandes Baigneuses)' can be seen in Room 43:

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The most celebrated 19th-century French painter of flower still lifes, Ignace-Henri-Théodore Fantin-Latour was born in 1836.

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What is your favourite star in art? Perhaps this delicate crown of stars painted by Diego Velázquez. Share with us using

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This portrait of a poet probably dates from about 1516 when the poem 'Orlando Furioso' was published:

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Paul Cézanne died in 1906. His painting 'Bathers (Les Grandes Baigneuses)' hangs in Room 43:

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Francesco Guardi's 'An Architectural Caprice' depicts an invented architectural setting:

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Rachel Ruysch’s flower paintings are full of movement. In this painting, blooms are on the verge of opening:

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'A Wheatfield, with Cypresses' was painted by Vincent van Gogh in September 1889 :

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David Teniers the Younger painted a series of four small paintings showing the seasons. Here 'Autumn' is a drinker, raising a glass of wine.

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Tomorrow at 1pm, explore the secret language of churches and cathedrals at our free lunchtime talk:

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