kyuu 🦊☆☆☆☆さんのプロフィール画像

kyuu 🦊☆☆☆☆さんのイラストまとめ

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3rd/2nd year NatsuHina
H: Natsume-senpai, guess what!
N: Whatever could be bothering yOU, adorable little kittEN?
H: •\\\• I.. I LOVE YOU♡
N: ...°///////° oh well, I. yOU. Love. you very muCH. E-even m..more than you can imaGINE! And-
H: *kiss*
N: !! (I LOVE HIM!!!)*kiss* ~♡

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I told you I would love mail you 😊💞

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Sometimes I remember that I've made some great close friends here and that makes me go💘💕💝💞💖💓💗❣❤💕💝💘💞❣💖💗💓💝💕💞💖💞💞💖💘💕💝💓💘💞💖💞❣💘💝💕💘💓💞💖💘💝💓💝💓💞💖💘💝💓💝💕💘💞💘💓💝💝💕💝💞💗💞💖💝💕💝💝💕💞💝💕💘💞💖💞💖💘💓💝💓💝💓💘💘💗💘💓💘💖💘💗💝💓💝💝💓

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