

Bunny lover and expert. Streamer. Gamer. Keeper of Bees. Owner of Floofs. Awesome. Currently playing FF14. Twitch Affiliate.

フォロー数:388 フォロワー数:315

We made it! Shadowbringers I am in you! This story seems like its gonna be twisty and intense. I can't wait to continue. Once again thanks for keeping me company on my journey!

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I have been so lucky to have commissions from some of my favorite artists over the years. This is Navii perfectly captured from , and of course no boomkin art is complete without Thank you so much!!!

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Im doing my best. x.x

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what do you do with leftover strawberries and old cake mix? make a strawberry cake with cream cheese frosting!! what you cant really see is the strawberries in the cake too.

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I just missed this asshole by literally seconds. First time ive seen him in years -.-

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Check out this item I just got! [Box Labeled "Danger: Void Rat Inside"] Lol that description.

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i do like those, but i think it should be something like a cross between that and what we have now. i got excited when they did the gender differences for the stag, hoping theyd maybe try other forms too. im very partial to what this artist did a long time ago.

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This is a classic right here, always gives me a giggle.

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