NayeliiNo7 RDT10Kさんのプロフィール画像

NayeliiNo7 RDT10Kさんのイラストまとめ

🍑°•●.Nayelii~|She/Her/Scorpio/Sexy♡🇧🇸|Freelance Artist❀| Comic/Dub writer|✿ Animator|VA/GAMER GIRL|Sonic/Anthro/Cosplayer|Proj O.S.C|CreatorArtivate●•°💯

フォロー数:345 フォロワー数:1652

Taking OTA on abigal oc comes with an extra art peice
bought from AleStocker
looking for
ocs, sonic mainly but can look at human, furries, closed species ect
art? very pick
money can be considered
or negotiable if you
want to do multi offers

1 13

Taking OTA
created by gabriel-adopts
looking for
ocs, sonic mainly but can look at human, furries, closed species ect
art? very picky
money can be considered
or negotiable if you
want to do multi offers

2 18

taking tentative offers on charvoyette
bought from humble trickster
current worth 180$ comes with alot of art
looking for
ocs, sonic mainly but can look at human, furries, closed species ect
art? no
money can def be considered
want to do multi offers? you can do money and art

3 38

heyo ive been getting and feeling better so i will try my best to post some new artwork and communitcate also running behind on birthday gifts lol

3 14

emm havent been connecting with her so far shes part of a project and has a different color palette but figuring out were to rly put her so im opening some offers on her looking for mostly oc trade/OTA made by gabriel adopts

4 31

Now washing my hands of dead connections/madness time to flood my page with something vibe-able (non-sonic related) my oc Mayu Mei commed by strawbunnimilk her human version

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she actually intentionally ripped of an oc elina from zer0finix the pedo to piss her off and then sold her after the whiplash she suffered and being exposed for the harassing, faking suicide, threatening to have someones IP address and much more

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icing hedgehog is owned by cherryseidr on deviantart and this on the left is toxi's old oc bottom art made my auntymoira oc while i don't see an honest resemblance i can see bc of her proven history anything can be possibly considered copied unless there's an old design idk about

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her first mistake was 1.coming to me plotting this😂 2. feeding off of this constant drama inserting herself into drama's that had nothing to do with her and 3. thought she could get away with manipulating her following & me,lying to my face and walking off scott free NOPE

0 7

gonna burst your bubble pufflezpuffz/plsoap with your lying bullshit your such a kiss ass to these popular artists lying to them that you dont do this as malicious intent yet forgot you admit to making a fake account ripping of elina to piss zer0finix off lmao you said everything

3 18