Ryan Malisさんのプロフィール画像

Ryan Malisさんのイラストまとめ

It's Ryan from BrainScratch
just 'nayrman' on that twitchy place

フォロー数:226 フォロワー数:6827

So who would win in the first 7-star raid? Big fire breathing lizard given Dragon status, or a fun little water rabbit? (The answer may surprise you)

5 32

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

25 189

In Multiversus whenever you do team battle with Superman they should do his Red/Blue costumes.

0 9

Every time Nintendo does one of these sales/earnings reports: "Wow, everything is doing way better than their historical average on Switch!

104 905

So there's a big ass bug that I thought was inside creeping me out but nope its on the outside of the window and I'm on the second floor so nothing I can do but just have it there skittering around...

0 10

SMTV: Ran into Metatron finally. Oh look, his heaviest hitting stuff is all holy, I should probably...*checks party, everyone is literally immune to holy*.....

0 6

Ok, I know "My Villain Academia" and this season in general isn't the BEST adaptation in the world, but to all the online kids saying its become trash....please shut the hell up, you don't know how bad it could really get....

3 30