

21, he/they | Dumb nerdy shit | Leftist

Trans rights are human rights 🤘 TERFs fuck off nobody likes you

フォロー数:2967 フォロワー数:3005

Jeremy Zuckerman created some of the best pieces ever composed for these TLOK scenes, I can hear them just by looking at the images

2 32

The AUDACITY of these three not teaming up in a Future State book smh 😔

1 39

Don't let anyone tell you that diversity is bad for the comic industry, or any industry for that matter

They're here to stay 🥰

16 95

These character designs are incredible, hoping Marvel makes an animated series for them one day

9 107

Would love to see an Amethyst movie one day, Gemworld seems perfect for it

0 27

People were really upset at the Marvel tweet saying "I miss old Marvel" as if Wiccan and Hulkling haven't been around since 2005

Anyways they got married twice lmao get fucked homophobes

69 361

yall got any movies that are really dumb but you sincerely love them anyways?

3 87

how can anybody complain about either of these suits yall are crazy 💀

29 246

Since Cullen Row is clearly going through some issues, Dick should step in as a mentor figure and eventually Cullen could become Nightwing's sidekick as Flamebird. That'd be neat

6 56