

Default.exe girl in Adventure Quest Worlds.

フォロー数:781 フォロワー数:233

There are few beautiful Naval Commanders for female characters 😓

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Possuindo forma humana coberta de pelos negros e patas redondas, esta criatura é apresentada possuindo ora cabeça de anta, ora cabeça de tamanduá.

O Capelobo também é chamado de “Lobisomem dos índios” (Ou seja esse é o nosso popular lobisomem)

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And what's the use?
You will just ignore what we create as always.
I myself have been trying to bring my blade master to the game for two years. 🤷‍♀️

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Another Yami no Ronin.

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Another hard farm day, very productive this time.
I get YR from the secondary school that I want to sell tomorrow.
So I'm going to leave both level 100 accounts, and get the blade of awe in the secondary.

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They are not the same, they are just similar.
The fallen hero doesn't have that detailed part on the character's legs.
About the helm, I don't want the helm, it's already in game with horns in evilwarnul

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I am preparing this account to sell it, whoever knows me in the community knows that I am trustworthy, besides that if I try to steal someone, you could expose me here on twitter.
I've been needing money in this quarantine.

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