

フォロー数:418 フォロワー数:2571

Not gonna lie, if I went to prison and the nigga in charge of orientation was using a puppet, either I'd just walk away or start swapping hands with him.

1 8

I decided to read the first volume of Food Wars. And maybe it's because I started reading Love is War and finished Soul Eater yesterday, but aside from the art and the main character, I wasn't too invested it in.

1 5

So read the first chapter of Love Is War, and I have to say: this is fucking fun. Like holy shit the three main characters are just great.

1 4

Okay last volume of the series, yay. And the way the story is going, the ending is probably gonna be a banger.

0 5

The Bootlicker is a Melvins album that does two things they've never done before: incorporating jazz elements and having instruments with no distortion. Keep in mind, this followed up the Maggot which is one of if not their heaviest album ever.

0 2 fellas, I know this looks bad, and it is.
I'm sorry she's just too cute.

0 5

But I will forgive him due to inexperience with women.

3 43