After making this i got mad and hella upset so i spent a couple days poking around and doing some experimentation annnd this is the result. Say hello to my first ever childhood crush, Vallhallen 🤘
Also the guy who sed I cant draw buff dudes can bite my ASSgardian butt
I never thought id like Seiryu this much but here I am.Thanks for that #FFXIV
If peeps are interested I will turn this into an actual 13x6 cm(5.1x2.3inch) daki keychain \o/ 💙!
Hey tumblr thank you for reminding me of these positive vibes fox stickers i made ages ago. If anyone wants to print them out and stick them on stuff be my guest \o/
You know this situation reminds me of that really bad chinese bot that was suppose to flag and remove porn but instead it removed pictures of Garfield and Winnie the Pooh. GG Tumblr doing some great work there