

Just a Clown that loves DnD and Blender!
@PKMN_Peeps 💚

フォロー数:121 フォロワー数:4722

posting this every time i see it i don't care

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welp... i did this... yayy anatomy

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dude i cant find the artist but i want to make this into an avatar so bad, it looks so COOOLL

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CR was a blast, kind of a bleh pose but heres the new Raleigh! i even got to use a program that lets chat pop up in front of me and i could RP talk to them as spirits and OMG IT WAS SO FUN!! cant wait till next week, have a gn everyone <3

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drew this for me the other day to cheer me up, im still pretty depressed about everything but this made my heart skip a beat.

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ok i feel my stamina leaving me so i think ill be passing out soon, heres where the torso ended up, im still not good at making faces but legitimately i think i can make any type of body mesh i want. this was made with no energy in a few hours-ish. i half assed the smoothing-

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hey umm... all jokes aside, i seriously think im making progress. im out of stamina to keep working but, i mean just look. ive mapped out the torso anatomy front and back, even was able to throw the head on there and have it look ok. sry for spamming, been working for so long -

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well after i think about a week or so of learning this is where im at. i can sculpt a basic face mesh with no reference, i havent tried it yet but i have a good grasp on how to form a torso from studying anatomy. and im sure i can make most characters if im using a ref sheet.

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while ive been basically stuck in my chair i at least was able to learn a bit more about sculpting, its not much though. i studied body proportions and used a ref. just a bit more practice with sculpting the face and i can move on to the other stuff, face is obviously the -

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