

Artist🎥🖌️,Nurse🏥, Medical English Translator &Filmbuff🇯🇵🇨🇦.TokyoComicCon2024AlleyAlley出展✨🤠東京コミコン2024出展…

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My booth will be located at C-047 of the artist alley in Tokyo Comic Con! I'm so excited to meet you guys there!

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Brave&Bold 17:00までです!綿商会館です。コミッションご希望の方、是非!#ブレボ

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I closed applications for my pre-commission done by color. I'm going to open my commission on the day of Tokyo Comic Con and Brave&Bold. I'm so excited to meet you guys there! 😁

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I'll be at "Brave&Bold" on Nov 17(Sun)!I'm going to have the commission at the same day and to sell lots of my artworks which have the theme of various movies! 🎥💕Visit me and I hope you can enjoy the time there!

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もうすぐ Brave&Bold! 東京錦商会館にて今度の日曜、11/17開催、Nekomaru☆出展します。当日コミッションあり、映画の世界に溢れたカラー画、モノクロ画、ストーンアート販売👍✨是非遊びに来てね✨

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Hey, guys! I'll open my commission on the same day at Tokyo Comic Con from 11/22-24 and Brave&Bold at Tokyo on 11/17 . 👍✨If you love movies or movie stars, you may fall in love with my artworks😁💘

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