

3D artist ● love drawing/blender and games ● EN/廣東話 ● learning unreal ● fanart tag: #nekuあーと

フォロー数:471 フォロワー数:112

[WIP] can tell what has been worked on or not hehe

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WIP Quick turret model for practice!

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why'd i design this thing to have 38 different thrusters,,, at least it looks cool!!,,, :)
and i've made it so its easy to resize all the thruster effects at once 😤

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only done like half of them,,, 😩😩😩

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hmmm maybe tomorrow i do the thruster effects now :thinking:

backpack looking more complete now, but could do more

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hmmm i have an idea of what i want,,, but finding it hard to finalise a design,,, 😔😔😔

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I have been sick the past week and a half,,, 🤧🤒 so no work was done for a bit 😔😔 but now i have done some stuff with the materials and worked on the backpack a bit now!! \(@^0^@)/

NEW YEAR NEW GOALS this will be finished, along with a cool animation i want to do with it

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cool lil' pose screenshots 👀

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RIGGING MOSTLY DONE WOOO!! i can pose it and do animations if i want now kyehehe😈just a few minor rigging stuff left to do and other optional parts to model

Can't believe i planned to do this in a month at the start,,, and now its been 3 months since ive started on this 🥹🥹🥹

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AAAAAAaaaa modelling mostly done for the main body finally,,, i can start rigging the whole thing now before working on the other equipment like the backpack and shoulder/arm options,,, crying 🥹🥹🥹

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