

Video Game. Art. Nintendo. Animal. Anthropomorphic. Furry Convention. Creatures & Monster. deviantART. Metroid & neopets.

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For this year of the cat. Sprigatito is luckily already be as the Green Cats in spring, on the year of the tiger 2022. For St. Patrick’s Day. 🍀🍀🍀🐱🍀🍀🍀

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It’s the Return of the Evil Koala Scientist, Professor Karlos, Julius old uncle. Or now Dr. Karlos, was now as the Antagonist of Ty series, in Ty5. On TY4. Karlos & a gang is not showing up. In 5th, he’ll take a spot of Boss Cass.

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It’s the Return of the Evil Koala Scientist, Professor Karlos, Julius old uncle. Or now Dr. Karlos, was now as the Antagonist of Ty series, in Ty5. And he’ll take a spot of Boss Cass.

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Now that’s Better (on the right side). This is more like it, where Fuecoco can appear to be evolved into the second form when it’s legs or foot gone so it will slithering. Just like my drawing. Congrats! 🌶🔥🐍

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Actually. Fuecoco also evolved this.

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When the fire croc Pokémon Fuecoco can usually evolve, in later of time. Stage two can having pair of tiny arms when it’s legs are gone. And stage three, in final evolved. It’s whole limbs were vanished, that become as now the Fire Serpent!

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Today this night, I’ve drawn a Fuecoco, the fire croc Pokémon whose evolved into an snake-like fire Pokémon. This is where it’s where limbs would be vanished in the final stages of Fuecoco, gen 9.

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For this month of the rabbit in February. I also drawn the second picture of the female characters like from Urusei Yatsura series. A manga human girl whose having a magenta rabbits for her heads. And wore her magenta bra as a Valentine heart.

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I have found this “New” Fire Starter Pokémon in Gen. 9 is already come out from the trailers. That this “Fuecoco” where I solved the answers. Turns out that fire croc is also to evolved later into an Fire Snake. It’s make sense from the Bible.

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Four Sci-fi alien action movies, the 25th anniversary!
Star Kid
Men In Black
The Fifth Element
And Starship Troopers!

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