

| ava by: @haiokumantan_c

フォロー数:1258 フォロワー数:122

either you are optimist or a pissmist

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while furries are fighting imaginary drawings on twitter real pedos are running free smh

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Seeing more and more Avatar the last airbender memes on my timeline lately...

good to know people still have taste!

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Wow Jeffree Star was in Borderlands 3 as Lilith huh

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This is lvl of iq we are dealing with here

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I dont really count ones ive seen on tv as a kid like yugioh or pokemon.

So first anime i discovered by myself and watched was probably Wolfs Rain or Elfen Lied.

I realized my early animes were more "hardcore" than what i ended up watching later lol.

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Good night stinkies time to rip big day tomorrow Borderlands 3 comes out on Steam

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Will there ever be anything more timelessly funnier than the fact that the amount of convicted furry pedos are by TENFOLDS more numerous than anime fans who got convicted of it. I think them constantly targeting weebs is to try to divert attention from this truth.

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