

Lead Artist and Director of Star Hearts. Radical Ratboy.

フォロー数:652 フォロワー数:1611

It's Vernal Day, babies! Gotta get all my Star Hearts work done so I can get home and play the night away! Everybody DL by so we can compare notes!

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Star Hearts will not be featured in today's Nintendo Direct. BUT you can pop into the Steam Next Fest stream right after it (3pm pst), to watch an in-house dev race! We are gonna try not to swear!

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Streamin' tonight! Drop in and listen to me yammer!

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This is the most awesome piece of official art for a cancelled game ever.
Credit @ Capcom, but I have no idea who the God-Tier artist is.

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rough draft of ramshackle shipwreck tiles looking like a robot bulldog monster when assembled.
One last week to back us on KS!

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Uncomfortably Close Prin. Play her demo or she'll take a chunk outta ya.

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Made an HD version of Prin's idle sprite. Remembered why I main pixels. Maybe I'll animate it anyhow?

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Star Hearts: Launch Point has a publicly available demo. It's full-o the coolest art I've made so far in my career. give it a whirl, won't ya?

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Unk Sez: Back us on Kickstarter! Any pledge will do! we need BODIES, people!

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