

Mars 27 (He/They) 🏳️‍⚧️ • Gray Ace/Aro • Neurodivergent 🎨🪡 Artist, Cosplay and Fursuit Maker.
Icon by: Cinamoncune

フォロー数:1059 フォロワー数:431

QRT with some characters that heavily influenced your gender journey:
Transmasc, Agender, and a bit of creature 👀 https://t.co/JyfplUMceh

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Lapras has shipped and is on the wayyyy!

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For demanding 900 extra in rent, the landlord could at least give us an AC unit.

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How did purple become my favorite color?

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Marsssss 🦉🐉 (first digital pic by cinamoncune). The design and other drawings/fursuit head by myself.

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Since I've been home from the hospital, my nausea is slowly improving. Tho I still feel very weak. I won't have to go back unless I experience symptoms of sepsis again. Just going to take it easy until I've completely recovered.

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Finally got confirmation that all my insurance stuff and therapist support letter got accepted. Now I can call tomorrow morning to get the top-surgery consultation with the surgeon booked! Soo close!

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If they could just make the human characters in gen 9 look as good as they do in the Pokemon Masters mobile game, I'd be soo happy.

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