

Illustrator, character designer, videogame enthusiast, full-time nerd. I post pretty and not-so-pretty artworks for everyone to hopefully enjoy.

フォロー数:20 フォロワー数:240

Can Gowry even walk? Stand up? He must be able to do it, otherwise how is he going to take Good Boy for walks??

4 45

The magma wyrms have a classic fantasy monster design. They're obviously very draconic because of their lore but you can clearly see demonic elements due to them wielding flaming swords. While Fromsoft's twisted creature designs like Rykard's are my favo…

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I hate these losers. They're kinda fun to draw though, maybe cause of how ugly they are. I think it's an interesting contrast (and quite intentional, probably) to make such ugly mofos out of a beautiful looking material.

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First time I fought an Erdtree Avatar it was brutal. They voy one-shot me with a lot of their attacks and I did such tiny damage. Maybe I was underleveled but then again it's not really like these guys have a hard moveset. It was probably my first git gu…

0 23

This one took a bit cause Prince Oretyan is a beefy boy, but here's my rendition of him for 's . I like drawing twisty sneks so this was really fun to do. Such a cool character and challenging to tackle.

1 19

Felt some Sekiro love was long overdue. Why not start with everyone's favorite oh-crap-second-phase surprise?

3 17

Millicent is a great character with some very interesting lore. She kinda falls victim to Fromsoft's static character interaction (stand here, say lines, go somewhere else, repeat). I don't mind having to look for her in obscure locations, but like I've …

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You might've probably read or noticed this already but Fallingstar Beast has a full Naturalborn's skull beneath the fur. I think the general theory is that they're both star beings that fell and melded with the environment to acquire their physical appea…

0 15

Some art of my most favorite dudes from my personal project, Irratica. From the bottom up: Marvin the wizard, Zoe the healer, Io the blade collector, and Dood the painter.

There's a big blank wall in front of me at all times when I work and I figured I…

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Big froggie from Plus a priestess for activating that PTSD

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