Heather is a Nerdさんのプロフィール画像

Heather is a Nerdさんのイラストまとめ

Comic Retailer in a Past Life. Digital Marketer. Comic/TV/Film critic. @TheNRW Lead Editor. Nightwing’s Butt Aficionado. Bi Goth Hipster. She/Her, Opinions=Mine

フォロー数:3607 フォロワー数:2167

Happy to . For all horror fans and goth kids, he will always support your creepy passions. Read his books.

(Also still mad me forced me, yup, twisted my arm, to purchase my first ever Deadpool book.)

3 13

I mean... I would love to see AOC try and grab a presidential nod. But... But! Just gonna throw it out there...

Can you imagine her taking Senate Majority Leader from Mitch McConnell? Her helping reclaim the Supreme Court?

Talk about destroying the GOP!

1 1

You know... I was fine. Juuuuust fine. Then I got the retailer preview for Nailbiter Returns

And now...

*throws table* I have some words!! And some feelings!! (And maybe also questions...)

Preorder at your local comic shop:
FEB200066 - June 3
MAR200237 - July 1

3 13

The only unsolicited Dick pic/nude anyone should ever receive:

1 3

Thoughts on , & 's Motor Crush. 1. Thank you! 2. That last page! 3. Feelin' Pumped! Pre-order it!

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