

Imagineering beautiful and creative impossibilities through AI. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and in the "A...I" of the creator.

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Good night Gina 🌃🦅🌗🌺🫶 sleep easy, dream happy 💤😴

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Wild-hearted Spirits.
Today is special, because,
If it was not, you would not hear my whispering words,
If it was not, you would not notice my longing gaze,
If it was not, you would not feel me when apart.
Today is special.

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Good evening Irma 🌆🦅🌗🌹🫶 wishing you a peaceful evening 🕊️🌿

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Good morning Gina ☕️🏙️🦅🌗🌺🫶 wishing you a peaceful day 🕊️🌿

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Gn friends 🌃🎑🌗🦅🫶💤😴

When I close my eyes you appear before me proud and bold,
but to the unseeing eye, still a beauty untold.
Lose yourself on a journey to a distant star, drifting through the heavens above,
I can make this possible, If you let me be your heart fuel, that…

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