

Only anti-Trump/Anti-Elon shit here now.

Photographing comics on Bluesky, find me there.

フォロー数:57 フォロワー数:1999

This ad ran in Kamandi I dont know another place to find it, and neither does Scott Dunbier. But the original was photographed for the Wrightson AE and a blow up of the last panel was used for the back inside cover.

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I dont know if these are my absolute 4 faves, but how about 4 I like that most others wouldnt choose. Also, if it starts with X, it counts.

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There's a tpb. Morrison written, Jae Lee art. Very overlooked. Very Strange, very good.

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The second appearance of Damage Control is found in this MCP issue, 1989. All pages below. Its more setup, but does actually include some of the main cast this time.

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Grant Morrison wrote two issues of Hellblazer, fairly early on, with fantastic David Lloyd art and colors. 1990, so maybe his first post-V work. And it really steals the show here.

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