

35 He/Him, 18+ only please Just another random person on the internet havin fun and being a dork; icon courtesy of @ttournesoleil

フォロー数:1017 フォロワー数:858

I present my cowgal (literally) Jesibelle~

1 21

a bit late but here's my Roegadyn gal Azun for ya~

0 13

Thanks for opening up this opportunity!

0 4

Presenting my gal Kazrha, an adventurous explorer and historian

4 18

Presenting my tiefling gal Adelaide, a Raven Queen Patron Warlock lass with a southern drawl charm, a golden gun she shoots Eldritch Blasts out of, and a raven familiar named Lenore

0 4

I present a favored Roegadyn of roundness

1 18

Have a grumpy tiefling for ya :P

1 12