Using @NextGeny_さんのプロフィール画像

Using @NextGeny_さんのイラストまとめ


フォロー数:4513 フォロワー数:18754

Good nighty cutie mofu mofus~ <3

I've been stressing about a lot of things in tune with my health not being so hot but I want to work hard on the things I have since I don't have a lot so hoping you'll be here for the ride with me.

Appreciate you all who are here with me <3

4 32

My family is a broken one where everyone just wants to steal from each other and beat down each other and my past friends laughed at my sadness so you all make me feel like I have someone.

Thank you Mofu mofu~ ❤️

2 17

Congrats cutie <3 <3

Hope u have lots of fun streaming today and many huggies <3

3 25

Hope you cuties are doing well today.
It's another day closer to the weekend and ur killing it.
Remember to keep on smiling and know that I love u <3 <3

2 35

You look comfy.
Wanna cuddle~?

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