

Founder of Trouble Cats.

Self Proclaim Artist. Fanart/Meme Creator.
Cardano NFT Collector, Crypto Believer

フォロー数:1229 フォロワー数:988

Added this one into my collection~ I call him Billy!

12 120

Guys, stare for 3 seconds.. Cute~ Thanks !

1 17

Welcome gang! lets hang out together more often!

1 3

Welcome to the fam! Its a nice goal to achieve. I had mine too not long ago. It feels great!

0 4

Need to ask the creator of cnft. 👍

0 1

Welcome to the fam!! I guess I need to upgrade my weapons. 😆

0 2

I just did a thing or 2. My craziest buy ever!! Double kill sweep this 2 off the floor! Gonna be an OG of Cardano OG Nft collector! Double woof woof!!

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