

フォロー数:142 フォロワー数:67

I edited a magnamon card to show how it would if it was magnamon black, make him canon bandai

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I tried making a data/vaccine variant for tuskmon, now I have mommy tuskmon

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O pokémon da geração que eles defendem:

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Before the movie grademon was the intended path for alphamon created spceficaly for him while doruguremon was made for dorugoramon, and even most recent cards references this by having raptordramon and grademon having effects related to alphamon

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It is cool that soundbirdmon got an important evo in the reboot

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Um bom exemplo é o hexeblaumon, segundo seu perfil ele é dito que é a forma que um digimon evolui quando domina feitiçaria de gelo, assim sendo, mesmo ele tendo uma linha evolutiva criada especificamente pra ele, o qual vai ser os digimons que ele comumente vai evoluir, outros...

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If you see this tweet you have to share your Favorite Digimon
Se você ver esse tweet tu tem que compartilhar seus digimons favoritos

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Pra que se segura, manda logo um gundramon na cara deles

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This precious ghost boi (Ghostmon)

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