

Eventide wanderings in the sacred & profane.

フォロー数:490 フォロワー数:2581

It is the year of St. Joseph. A year for hidden sacrifice, for the sake of opposing evil.

58 401

Though there may be death there may be resurrection.

25 193

NE's (aspiration) theo-political aesthetic

4 22

My 2nd neck surgery is tomorrow, in my continuing fight against metastatic papillary thyroid cancer. I sincerely ask that any willing to please pray the Infant of Prague novena for me tomorrow with a special invocation to Blessed Karl & the 14 Holy Helpers. 1/2

58 248

Blessed Karl, Emperor of Peace, model of manhood & marriage, Ora Pro Nobis. May you be raised to the altars soon & many spread your honor for the honor you did to Christ, King of all Creation, that His honor may be ever more magnified.

13 88

If Lucifer was the first revolutionary then St. Michael was the first reactionary

135 398