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People that think that all the FF7 characters should just get an ultra happy ending with no consequences... I HIGHLY recommend playing Persona 5 Royal 🤣
I am LIVE and joined yet again by Sleepezi and Babyseal to discuss the new volume of the FF7R Ultimania and the latest FF16 information (& bonus story how I went my whole life without and never heard the name 'Clive' before).
▶WATCH: https://t.co/wjwjqANoSh
I am LIVE and today we arrive at Azys Lla in Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward. This is going to be a stream you don't wanna miss!
▶LIVE NOW: https://t.co/PgEefmGB8e
For those who've wondered, the Twitch emotes are finally done! They're being approved right now. Here's a sample.
Artist IG: @ Casas
My Twitch: https://twitch/TheNightSkyPrince
Rise be like, "I truly do feel awful that Senpai only wants to his time with me because I am adorable and not you, because you are basic 😰 It is honestly a tragedy and I feel for you, Sis 💅"
I'm LIVE && My journey into this incredible JRPG just keeps going! I am LOVING it so much! Come experience it with me!
▶️WATCH: https://t.co/PgEefmGB8e
Persona 4 Golden seems to have a lot of Jojo's Diamond is Unbreakable. That much is obvious.
But *especially* when you consider the girl on the left's name is Yukako yAMAGIshi. 🤔
This key artwork is absolutely sick! Just don't let MoM be the last/only game that features Kairi as the protagonist!